Peanuts gang in Christmas PJ's

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The Peanuts meet up at midnight to hatch a plan to catch Santa in this charming Jim Shore effigy of the beloved cartoon characters. Linus, Charlie Brown, Lucy, and Sally don their PJs while Snoopy carries a candle in his slippers and night cap.
  • Introduced January 2023
  • Jim Shore Peanuts Collection "P.J. Party!"
  • Beautifully hand-painted and crafted with intricate styling and attention to detail
  • Jim Shore's style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs inspired by American and European folk art
  • Proudly designed by award winning artist, Jim Shore
  • Packaged in individual box with photo on front
  • 5 in H x 3 in W x 9.5 in L